Mobile Port project

Mobile Port project is funded by different companies and TEKES. Funding companies are listed in the Partners section. Main aim of the research is to create information system for Finnish seaports (mainly for Port of Kotka and Hamina). Information system shares information between different  seaport actors. In addition, system controls seaport bound inland (road and rail) and maritime traffic. Project has started in the autumn of year 2009 and it will be ready in the end of year 2011.

Purpose of the information system is to improve competitiveness of the Finnish maritime and inland logistics. System can also enhance safety by decreasing the number of accidents in the logistical area. Trace and tracking of the intermodal units improves. In addition, communications can be improved e.g. in interruption situations. Congestion at the Finnish borders can be decreased.

The whole Mobile Port project is divided into six different work packages from WP0 to WP5. Different work packages are explained below:

WP0: Reporting and administration of the project

Work package WP0 includes administration and reporting of the project and its results concerning research. Centre for Maritime Studies answers of this work package.

WP1: Process descriptions and environmental impacts

Work package WP1 is the first actual research package. This work package is performed by Centre for Maritime Studies. Aim of WP1 is to create framework for the other work packages. The goal of this work package is to summarize processes of seaports, describe processes between Finnish and Russian border and create preliminary model description the information center that is going to be created in the end of the whole Mobile Port project.

WP2: Processes of seaport and process description

Aim of the work package WP2 is to create process descriptions of processes used at seaports. This work package is done by Centre for Maritime Studies. 

WP3: Financial and environmental impacts of a dry port, case Kouvola

Goal of the work package WP3 is to research financial and environmental impacts of a dry port solution. This is partly regional research. Case city is city of Kouvola. Research work includes simulation about dry port implemented transport and traditional road transport. This for package is studied by Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola Unit.

WP4: Mobile communication

Work package WP4 studies possibilities to use mobile communication tools (PDA, cellural phones etc.) in the information center. Work package is researched by Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences.

WP5: Piloting the information center

The final work package WPincludes the piloting of the information center. WP5 is based on the process descriptions created in the earlier work packages. Objective is to find partner in cooperation to pilot the information center in that company. Kymenlaakso University of Technology answers of this final work package.




Mobile Port project